This proposal will provide students, who are majoring in Electrical Engineering (EE), Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering (IMSE), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), and Mechanical Engineering (ME), with the opportunity to perform analytical and experimental research that will advance the state-of-the-art of distributed generation power systems. It encompasses overlapping technical areas of critical interest to the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the US future Joint Force, including power systems engineering, power generation, pulsed power, directed energy, controls, energy storage, and system engineering. The project will be led by Dr. Jones Sustainable and Equitable Allocation of Resources (SEAR) lab, which is part of The Center on Stochastic Modeling, Optimization, & Statistics (COSMOS). COSMOS conducts research on decision-making for designing, modeling, and managing complex real-world systems. COSMOS methods seek to integrate statistics, optimization, and
simulation/stochastic modeling to achieve better solutions more efficiently, and COSMOS applications customize approaches to match the needs of the decision-maker. COSMOS researchers have data science expertise in machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming, stochastic optimization, discrete-event and agent-based simulation modeling, design of experiments, statistical modeling, and statistical process monitoring. SEAR applications have a specific focus on energy systems that paired with COSMOS resources will be an asset to proposed project.