In the vast landscapes of the United States, the issue of county-level investment and analysis has emerged as a critical endeavor, demanding attention to foster equitable development and improve overall well-being. Against the backdrop of approximately 3,143 counties nationwide, the need to map and analyze demographic composition, resource availability, and community amenities has become increasingly apparent. This project aims to leverage cutting-edge technology, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software such as ArcGIS, to address complex challenges and inform targeted investment strategies at the county level. Our project underscores the importance of understanding and mapping essential features within each county. By integrating data on population density, solar potential, and the presence of amenities such as libraries, hospitals, museums, airports, and parks, we aim to identify areas requiring investment and prioritize resources to foster holistic community development. This approach aligns with the report’s emphasis on the need to assess and address variations in amenity provision to ensure equitable access to essential services and amenities across cities.