The Green Warrior Project aims to weatherize and ventilate up to 8 homes in the two lowest-income zip codes in Dallas, Texas. By adding pre- and post-data collection and analysis to the weatherization process, we can get these areas the proper funding for solutions. Most households in the two zip codes spend 40-60% of their income on housing, don’t qualify for loans to make home weatherization improvements, and don’t know about current weatherization assistance to help decrease their energy expenses. In addition to identifying and addressing these disparities, the Project will train local individuals to weatherize the homes. This training will lead to further employment. The expectation of the Project is the selected homes will be more resilient to weather extremes. The research includes energy audits, blower door tests, and analyzing energy bills before and after weatherization. The Project will partner with Southern Dallas Progress CDC (SDPCDC).
Tags: Energy Technology, Projects